Best and Easy way to Convert CSV File to Excel File Using C#

By | 1st November 2019

The best and easiest way to convert csv file to excel file is here. This is the method I implemented and it is working fine.

Hope you all implement it. 

 private void Convert_CSV_To_Excel(string filename)


            // Rename .csv To .xls

            System.IO.File.Move( filename , filename .Replace(“.csv”, “.xls”));

            var _app = new MX.Application();

            var _workbooks = _app.Workbooks;

            _workbooks.OpenText( filename .Replace(“.csv”, “.xls”),

                                     DataType: MX.XlTextParsingType.xlDelimited,

                                     TextQualifier: MX.XlTextQualifier.xlTextQualifierDoubleQuote,

                                     ConsecutiveDelimiter: true,

                                     Comma: true);

            _app.AlertBeforeOverwriting = false;




Happy Coding Friends 😀 . If you have any easy way to convert it please reply me.

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